Home » Vinyl Siding Secrets: Expert-Vetted Maintenance Tips

Vinyl Siding Secrets: Expert-Vetted Maintenance Tips

Vinyl siding is one of the most popular siding options in America, with good reasons. Vinyl shutters are available in different styles and colors and are durable with low maintenance needs. While vinyl shutters are low on maintenance needs, doing it occasionally ensures they serve you for long.

How easy is it to maintain vinyl siding?

Unlike cement, wood, and fiber sidings, vinyl sidings are the easiest to maintain. They don’t need regular painting or caulking and can easily be cleaned by the common household cleaning supplies. However, you need to choose the best spray paints for vinyls if you plan to use painting as a way of maintaining these items.

Also, vinyl sidings are resistant to cold and hot temperatures, bending, and scratches. When properly maintained, this siding option can last up to an average of 10-40 years. Though you will have to factor in the weather and element exposure the siding will be subjected to for accurate durability.

Tips for cleaning vinyl sidings

Cleaning vinyl sidings is easy and straightforward if you have essential tools and equipment and you are prepared on time. You may also need to consult a cleaning professional if your cleaning work is a little complicated.

Here are some tips to follow if you want to take the cleaning project on your own;

1. Prepare your working space and the siding.

Before you embark on the project, you need to prepare your home interior and the siding so that they are also protected. Follow all the instructions from the vinyl siding manufacturers and the cleaning products you will use.

Fundamental things like the discarding of the products need to be in line with the manufacturers’ standards. Protect your landscaping, and cover up the outside shrubberies to ensure you clean the sidings without touching the surrounding areas.

Unplug all the electrical installations from the exterior space and close all the windows and doors to protect the interior from potential damage.

Use PPEs like gloves, face masks, and eye protection when handling any toxic cleaning solution. Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes.

2. Inspect the siding for breaks.

When still intact, vinyl siding is made to protect from water leaks, insect infestation, and structural damage. Sometimes, you may find breaks and cracks in the siding that affects the integrity of your home.

Older vinyl materials might have become a bit brittle, leading to breaks and cracks. Rains and strong winds may also cause cracks and breaks in the vinyl siding.

You will have to replace the siding panels if they have cracks and breaks. Seek professional siding panel replacement services for a great job. Take the precautions below to determine if you would replace any vinyl siding panel:

  • Check the general appearance of your siding.
  •  Check for loose, warped, or broken panels.
  • Check the interior walls for damage.

3. Choose the right cleaners and equipment.

You would want to use equipment and cleaning agents that will protect the vinyl siding on your house. Before applying the cleaning agent to the entire panel, please test it on a conspicuous space using a soft cloth to see how it reacts with the surface.

For easy and simple cleaning like debris and dirt, you only need a mixture of warm water and mild soap like laundry detergent or soap dish. Use a soft cloth or bristle brush to scrub the dirt by hand, then rinse with a garden hose.

Use long rollers and long-handled brushes to reach the vinyl sidings that are higher up. Together with household products, you can also make a vinyl siding cleaner using vinegar or bleach by mixing a quart of these solutions with one gallon of water.

Remember to work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gear while creating the solution, as they contain toxic elements.

4. Use the pressure washer correctly.

Power and pressure washers are the most efficient and recommended equipment for cleaning vinyl sidings. We advise reading the instructions from the product label on how to use them to protect you and your home from damage. Also, improper usage of these items may result in water wastage.

Follow these tips to help protect your vinyl sidings from damage by excess water spouts:

  • Stand a few feet away from the siding panel and hold the washer at an angle of 25 degrees.
  • Hold the washer with two hands.
  • Clean from the bottom to the top of the house. Move the hose side to side to prevent unsightly streaks.
  • Once you finish the power washer, rinse down the siding using a bucket of water or a hose. The rinsing should now be done from top to bottom.

How to protect the vinyl siding from discoloration.

Vinyl sidings and shutters discoloration is a result of residues left from debris and dirt buildup from external elements. You can also experience discoloration as a result of spraying herbicides and insecticides too close to the house.

Here is how you can protect your vinyl siding from the effects of discolorations:

1. Regular Cleaning

One of the simplest ways to protect vinyl siding from discoloration is by regularly cleaning it. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the surface over time and contribute to fading or discoloration.

Use a soft-bristle brush, a bucket of soapy water (mild detergent), and a garden hose to scrub away dirt and grime. Avoid using abrasive tools or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the vinyl surface.

2. Proper Maintenance

Inspect your vinyl siding periodically for any signs of damage, such as cracks or chips. Address these issues promptly to prevent moisture from seeping behind the siding, which could lead to mold growth and further discoloration.

Additionally, trim any nearby trees or plants that may be causing excessive shading, as prolonged shade can promote mold and mildew growth.

3. Avoid Heat Sources

Vinyl siding is susceptible to damage from heat sources such as grills, outdoor fire pits, and reflective surfaces like mirrors.

High heat can cause warping or discoloration of the vinyl material. Keep heat sources at a safe distance from the siding to prevent any potential damage.

4. UV-protective coatings

Consider applying UV-protective coatings or additives to your vinyl siding. These products create a barrier that helps shield the siding from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are a major cause of fading and discoloration.

UV-protective coatings are available in various forms, including spray-on applications or additives that can be mixed with paint.

5. Choose light-colored paints

 If you decide to paint your vinyl siding, opt for light-colored paints that reflect rather than absorb sunlight. Lighter shades are less prone to fading and will help keep the siding cooler, reducing the risk of heat-related damage.

Moreover, using spray paints specifically formulated for vinyl surfaces ensures better adhesion and durability.

Remember, painting vinyl siding is a decision that should be carefully considered, as some manufacturers might void warranties if improper paint or color is used. Always check with the siding manufacturer or a professional before painting to ensure you’re taking the right approach to protect your vinyl siding from discoloration.

If you, however, make mistakes while painting, don’t panic, as you can still easily remove paint from vinyl siding.


Now that you’re armed with the ultimate vinyl siding cleaning guide, there’s no excuse for dull exteriors anymore! Embrace the power of a sparkling home with these simple and effective cleaning techniques. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in maintaining the beauty and longevity of your vinyl siding.

So, why wait? Roll up your sleeves, grab those cleaning supplies, and let your home shine like never before. With a little love and care, you can turn your house into a stunning masterpiece that’ll be the envy of the neighborhood.

Get ready to witness the transformative magic of a clean vinyl exterior – you won’t believe the difference it can make! And lastly, if you are unsure of your ability to achieve this makeover personally, we advise seeking professional home cleaning services. 

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